Week One: Beginners Bookbinding Course

Week One: Beginners Bookbinding Course

I’ve been actually blown away by the response to my Intro to Bookbinding course. It launches tomorrow and I’m over the moon to welcome 48 students into the programme.

The first week goes through the basics including tools and what they do? Bookbinding jargon? What’s the best type of paper to use and the all important grain direction.

Then we delve into the magic of paper folding and learn no less than SIX book structures just with folded paper. There are loads more and I’ll maybe weave a few more in future weeks.

Of course I HAD to include the Ori folder. Over 60 people have done this as a short course and it’s just perfect to start with as it’s a great no sew technique.


Then we explore the basics of origami and how you can turn 2 folds into FOUR books. I told you it was magic.


We finish with the Blizzard book, absolutely perfect for single prints or watercolours that slot in and out of the spine at your own will. I learned this one from my auntie in South Korea but I believe it also features in Heidi Kyles book The Art of the Fold.

Come back here next week and I’ll reveal what’s happening in week 2.

This course is live right now and you can book anytime to get access to the modules that have been released, with more released weekly. It’s currently on an introductory offer of £99 until 31st October before it goes to £149. So if you fancy it, now is the time!

Book here.


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I have exactly the same questions. I do hope answers will be forthcoming!

Anna Cheer

Hi there! I am interested in your Beginners bookbinders course (online). I have two questions for you: firstly, can I still sign up for the course even though it has already begun? Secondly, can I just purchase the course and materials, not including the beginners bookbinders tools? If so, what would the price be? Thanks very much!

Juli W

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